A Gen Z Take on Teacher’s Pet

The animation series and movie of Teacher’s Pet is streaming on Disney+

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Teacher’s Pet movie, Generation Z YouTuber “The Glad in Gladiator” (aka Jake), with “The Wacky Delhi” interviewed Gary Baseman, covering the artist’s career and memories of the award-winning animation series and film.

Check out “Talking Teacher’s Pet with Gary Baseman” HERE.

Having a new generation of fans of Teacher’s Pet is testament to the relevance and impact of this show. Upon the question of what still sticks with him after all these year later, he responds: 

What sticks with me was the team, the personal team of artists and writers and storyboard artists and animators all working together to produce something really special… [I’d] been working from home my whole life except during Teacher’s Pet, and … I made a concerted effort to come in every day. 

We had my office, we had our meetings, and had our team on the Disney lot, which [was] always exciting–so much [of] Disney’s history is right there. So to be able to go in every day and have an amazing crew, and try to keep their morale [up and] excited… to just have fun and make each other laugh. [It]t was a lot of fun and it was a really special, beautiful experience. 

Want more of Teacher’s Pet? Check out “Learning to Love Teacher’s Pet” HERE, posted in 2022 by The Glad in Gladiator. The most comprehensive introduction and analysis that we’ve stumbled upon so far, Jake took two months to watch everything Teacher’s Pet, and offers insight into each of the 39 episodes of the series. Kudos, Jake!

Thanks to all who have shared their love of Teacher’s Pet. Please feel free to email us directly at contact@garybaseman.com to share your thoughts and memories of Teacher’s Pet.

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